sábado, 9 de fevereiro de 2013
sexta-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2013
Adam's Song - Blink 182
Adam's song
I never thought I'd die alone
I laughed the loudest, who'd have known?!
I traced the cord back to the wall
No wonder it was never plugged in at all
I took my time, I hurried up
The choice was mine, I didn't think enough
I'm too depressed to go on
You'll be sorry when I'm gone
I never conquered, rarely came
16 just held such better days
Days when I still felt alive
We couldn't wait to get outside
The world was wide, too late to try
The tour was over we'd survived
I couldn't wait till I got home
To pass the time in my room alone
I never thought I'd die alone
Another six months I'll be unknown
Give all my things to all my friends
You'll never step foot in my room again
You'll close it off, board it up
Remember the time that I spilled the cup
Of apple juice in the hall?
Please tell mom this is not her fault
I never conquered, rarely came
16 just held such better days
Days when I still felt alive
We couldn't wait to get outside
The world was wide, too late to try
The tour was over we'd survived
I couldn't wait till I got home
To pass the time in my room alone
I never conquered, rarely came
Tomorrow holds such better days
Days when I could still feel alive
When I can't wait to get outside
The world is wide, the time goes by
The tour is over I survived
And I can't wait till I get home
To pass the time in my room alone
sábado, 2 de fevereiro de 2013
Mr. Jones, sou sua noiva.
Aquele sorriso safado, misturado com o clima boêmio de Paris não me deixava relaxar. Seus negros cabelos repicados até a nuca, caídos sobre a face, os olhos pretos, o corpo forte, porém sem músculos contrastavam-se com a roupa que usava -camisa de botões, calça, paletó sobre os ombros e sapatos sociais, todos da cor preta-, tudo me hipnotizava. Olhava-me de canto, encostado num muro, nunca conheci alguém como Mr. Jones.
- Lílian - chamou-me com a voz suave.
Estremeci. Forcei um sorriso de canto, deixando claro que tinha escutado.
Cambaleei encima do salto alto, indo até ele nervosa.
- Ora, vamos... Não é a primeira nem a segunda vez que nos encontramos. - ditou.
Era verdade. E Mr. Jones sabia dar amor como ninguém. Eu era sua noiva, sua feliz noiva.